Free Treatment

Free trial treatment description
1、What is "Free Trial Treatment" for Vitiligo?
"The actual fact that you can't spend a lot of money to see the results of the treatment is that you'll be able to get the most out of it, but you'll be able to get the most out of it, and you'll be able to get the most out of it.
2、What is included in the "free trial" for vitiligo?
Vitiligo "free trial" activities include: free registration fee, medicine fee, treatment fee, bed fee, nursing fee and by the Huahai Vitiligo Hospital experts according to the different conditions of patients with vitiligo, provide patients with personalised treatment of vitiligo a set of solutions.
3、Can all vitiligo patients apply for a free trial treatment?
The actual Vitiligo Hospital has a lot of people who have applied for the free of charge trial treatment, and it's based on the details of vitiligo patient's website registration, and it's only for the vitiligo patients who have been diagnosed with vitiligo for the first time, and it's the first 50 patients who have been given the chance to get the free of charge trial treatment for vitiligo every month. The earlier the registration time, the greater the chance of obtaining a free trial treatment.
4、What is the maximum period of time that I can apply for the "Free Trial" programme?
The new technology of vitiligo treatment in Huahai Vitiligo Hospital is a national torch plan project, which is usually 1-4 days to see the effect, and 1-2 courses of treatment to recover. The actual free of charge try out is actually for 1-4 days, and after that you can decide whether or not to continue with the treatment or not.