王江梅 Jiang­mei Wang

​白癜风研究专家 Vice Pres­i­dent



Specialist Profile

She has been en­gaged in the re­search of lep­rosy for decades, and has made sig­nif­i­cant break­throughs in the treat­ment of lep­rosy by tra­di­tional Chi­nese med­i­cine. She has un­der­taken many na­tional, provin­cial and mu­nic­i­pal sci­en­tific re­search pro­jects, such as the Torch Pro­gramme of the Min­istry of Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy of the Peo­ple's Re­pub­lic of China and the Shan­dong Provin­cial Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Tack­ling Pro­gramme. He has pub­lished 16 med­ical mono­graphs on lep­rosy and more than 100 aca­d­e­mic pa­pers, and has vis­ited the United States and Ger­many for many times as an ex­pert in the field of Chi­nese med­i­cine and skin treat­ment, which makes him one of the most au­thor­i­ta­tive ex­perts in lep­rosy re­search in China.